Никогда ничего не будет, всегда будет всё!
Where the road is dark and the seed is sowed
Where the gun is cocked and the bullet's cold
Where the miles are marked in the blood and gold
I'll meet you further on up the road
Got on my dead man's suit and my smilin' skull ring
My lucky graveyard boots and song to sing
I got a song to sing, keep me out of the cold
And I'll meet you further on up the road.(с)
Where the gun is cocked and the bullet's cold
Where the miles are marked in the blood and gold
I'll meet you further on up the road
Got on my dead man's suit and my smilin' skull ring
My lucky graveyard boots and song to sing
I got a song to sing, keep me out of the cold
And I'll meet you further on up the road.(с)
какой не подходящий день...
..но бывают ли подходящие дни для таких хуевых тем.
чувствую что если не заглянуть сегодня на дно стакана, то я тресну по швам.
слишком много негативного дерьма в моей голове.